We look to develop a wide range of meaningful partnerships with other organisations who share our aims and values and to develop mutually supportive links.
Edge is an independent education charity working to transform young people’s experience of learning so everyone has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and thrive.
Edge wants all young people – regardless of background – to be able to enjoy a coherent, unified and holistic education which equips them with valuable subject knowledge and skills, for the workplace and for life. Edge believes that from age 14, all students should have the opportunity to study technical and creative subjects as part of a broad and balanced curriculum; focusing on ‘stage not age’; giving all young people the entitlement to quality careers information, advice and guidance; mandatory work experience; employer engagement opportunities, making school work relevant to the work place. It would culminate at 19 with a broad baccalaureate recognising all of a student’s achievements and taking them on to apprenticeships, further or higher education or employment.
We are proud to be founder members of the Edge Deeper Learning UK Coalition.
Edge is our partner for the 2023 Sustainable Education Summit and the John West-Burnham Memorial Event.
Each Full Fellowship school automatically becomes an associate member of the Expansive Education Network and lead staff have access to Eednet’s online resources to support the development of school-based action research and collaborative enquiry.
‘Expansive education’ is an umbrella term that applies to many organisations, schools, colleges, universities, practitioners, even governments around the world. Expansive Education: Teaching learners for the real world, is a great case study of many of these at an international level. The things we believe in are common to many across the world. The Network (EedNet) aims to crystallise that thinking, promote it to educators and policymakers, and bring people together to share in a common platform for change.
The Fore is a seed funder for the non-profit sector. The Trust acts to catalyse fresh solutions to pressing social issues including knife crime, childhood obesity, social isolation, food poverty and homelessness. Their venture capital style approach opens up access to finance and professional expertise for innovative small charities and social enterprises. They bring together businesses, funders and social entrepreneurs committed to removing barriers and sharing skills to strengthen society as a whole.
The Fore provided the start-up funding for the Fellowship, which has provided us with a vital secure foundation for our work.
The Comino Foundation looks for better ways of developing young people’s capabilities, their capacity and desire to make things happen – their zest and appetite to learn, to create, to change things for the better, for themselves and others. It encourages and supports innovative ventures designed to enable people to function effectively and to thrive. It embraces the quotation attributed to Socrates – ‘Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel’.
Comino is providing financial support for the Ambassadors of Tomorrow pilot.
Globe from Home is the world’s first edtech company to use live-streamed virtual world travel as a tool for learning and development.
Natives supports sustainability on schools around the world with a unique online platform and model based on the three pillars of buildings, organisation and culture, and learning.
ReThinking Assessment aims to provide workable solutions, practical ideas and approaches to make assessment fairer, broader and more equitable and to make the argument for change through case studies, analysis, evidence and thoughtful blogs. One of our communities of practice has been working on developing small-scale school initiatives to contribute to this task.
Every full Fellowship school is entitled to two log-ins to the Teaching Times Knowledge Banks. The Knowledge Bank is a collection of articles and web-resources from their library or third-party sources. These are designed to facilitate rapid and deep professional learning in a subject. Typically, Knowledge Banks comprise a concise introduction to the field, a range of articles and resources and some questions to consider within your school or trust. Schools can also create and manage their own Knowledge Banks.
We are currently exploring with the College possible ways to offer linked accreditation to members who want it for their work within our collaborative enquiry communities of practice.