Upcoming Events
No charge for members, no standard fee.
Wednesday, 18th Sep 2024, 10.15 - 15.45

The termly meeting of our council members to review the development and direction of the organisation. Open to council members only.

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No charge for members, no standard fee.
Thursday, 26th Sep 2024, 10.00 - 14.00
St Augustine's Academy Dunstable
No charge for members, no standard fee.
Thursday, 3rd Oct 2024, 16.00 - 17.00

An opportunity for group members to review their progress in developing a collaborative enquiry into the future-facing school

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No charge for members, Additional member places £145, Standard £195.
Thursday, 14th Nov 2024, 10.00 - 15.00
Windmill Village Hotel, Coventry

This conference aims to bring together keynote speakers and fresh voices with school and student leaders to broaden the conversation and focus on the way we think, the way we behave and the way we do things that matter to us. With a renewed focus on student involvement, the conference aims to facilitate greater interaction and engagement, fostering a more dynamic learning environment. Throughout the day, a series of mixed sessions will encourage mutual learning and feedback between teachers and students, culminating in joint deliberations aimed at charting a course forward. The conference aims to: 1. Showcase a holistic perspective on sustainability in education, encompassing social values, justice, compassion, and advocacy 2. Facilitate greater engagement and empowerment of educators, students, and stakeholders 3. Provide a platform for diverse voices and perspectives 4. Foster meaningful dialogue and action-oriented discussions on integrating values-led sustainability into educational frameworks 5. Encourage commitments and pledges from both educators and students to translate ideas into tangible initiatives for real-world change within educational institutions.

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No charge for members, no standard fee.
Friday, 15th Nov 2024, 09.30 - 13.30
Wilson Stuart School, Birmingham
No charge for members, Standard £.
Wednesday, 5th Feb 2025, - 8 FEB 20

A three day conference in Barcelona for student leaders hosted by Col.legi Montserrat

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No charge for members, no standard fee.
Thursday, 26th Jun 2025, 16.00 - 17.00

Our Annual General Meeting for members will review the year, elect council members, and consider proposals from council for developments next year.

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