Latest NEWS
Saturday, 24th November 2018
Soto students lead workshop for Dutch teachers

Students from SoTo Fellowship member schools CALS College, Nieuwegein and Thomas Deacon Academy, Peterborough, worked together for two days to prepare a workshop on the importance of developing student leadership. The workshop was attended by over 50 teachers at the Nuffic regional conference in Soest on November 23. We hope this will lead soon to […]

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Tuesday, 20th November 2018
“Eye-opening and informative seminar”

November 15 2018 saw school representatives come together for the latest Schools of Tomorrow seminar on wellbeing. Guest speakers, Lucy Alexander, parent and Matthew Audley, from Place2Be, joined SoTo Director Clive Corbett to deliver a powerful and thought-provoking workshop on the importance of understanding and promoting wellbeing within schools, the devastating effects of mental health […]

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Wednesday, 31st October 2018
SoTo builds links with Chinese schools

Eight SoTo heads and school leaders spent the last week of October visiting schools in Qingdao in eastern China with a view to establishing a long-term partnership around the four quadrant framework.

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Wednesday, 31st October 2018
Student leaders learn to use Thortspace

Xavier Gibbons spent the first four days of October travelling around the West of England for Schools of Tomorrow to train students on Thortspace. He rrports the results of the training sessions were very positive and encouraging, students seemed to have great fun with the software. Thortspace is a piece of software that allows  three dimensional […]

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